We didn’t get allowances. My mom was not a fan. We were offered rewards for jobs well done. Get an A in spelling–sigh, always a long shot for me. Or help a neighbor. The point was we had to earn the reward. The rewards were rarely cash. It was more like a trip to the doll show in LA. Or maybe ice cream at CC Browns near Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Now they did ice cream…I remember their peach melba…sigh, I digress…
After college when I earned dollars but lived at home, dad collected $25. per month. He said it was for my room and board. Later I found out he had started a brokerage account for me and was investing it. Nice dad! Let me take a trip to Europe for 6 months…very nice dad!
Earning was always a part of success. I earned a high school diploma that let me earn a college degree and had better jobs available to me than if I didn’t have one.