I read.  I have ‘free’ accounts to many a news website. More than the articles I like the comments section. It’s like a self-selected virtual town square where you can sit back gauge the temperature of the room. Beware, you go into that room, you lose track of time.

Recently I signed up for the one-month-free  Daily Telegraph subscription to read what was going on ‘across the pond’ during the days and weeks leading up to the funeral of QEII.  A  long time Anglophile [ always particularly enamored of 1066 to 1603] I was facinated to learn about how Balmoral became the biggest marketing coup for tartans everywhere after Queen Victoria purchased the land in 1852, bringing Scotland more closely into the British orbit. Or, how the gun carriage carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth dates back, again, to Queen Victoria [or maybe Nelson after Trafalgar]  and that it is human-drawn because the first time it was used the horses shied, either from a broken harness, or the coffin.

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