Write Early, Write Often…Write Something!

Teresa Fannin, reader, writer, gardener, chocolate fan & tea drinker

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too busy to think….

…and it’s been too hot. The temps in the south have been smothering…95 degrees with 99 percent humidity. For a SoCal girl from the great past when LA was in perfect climatic harmony, this is tough. But enough about me.

I’ve got lots of excuses as to why I don’t write, but I need to swallow them and move on. I’ve thought about a post on Harry Potter. But I was so sad that there would not longer be this huge world wide phenomenon that would make you salivate at the thought of a new HP story coming out. Was it a good movie? Yeah. Were the books good? Yeah. They were amazingly brilliant in their concept, design, characters, setting, plot. Wow! Were they that well written? Probably not. But they were good and the fans loved them. And, like any series, you were riveted to the outcome for Harry and his pals.

I also wanted to write about Captain America. I liked the movie, up until the ending. Captain America was all about this *ideal* macho hero who was also self-effacing because he knew what it was like to be the underdog, the weakling. Captain America would say things like “You’re a brick.” And it wouldn’t sound hokey. But then to bring him into the 21st Century. Nope. Don’t want to see it. Somethings deserve to stay in their own place.

Or. I could talk about politics. Yeah. No. All this discord is so American. Although all the ‘crisis’ talk makes me nervous, I sort of wonder if, not too dissimilar from probably millions, if we really need to have all this news all the time. I wonder if that’s why the ‘dark and disturbing’ children’s lit is so popular, because we’re all so negatively charged by the constant news cycle we never have time to think about happy. Just happy.

Wednesday it’s out to LA for the SCBWI conference. I’m excited to see everyone. Packing today so I can already feel my neck tightening up in anticipation. I think I’ve picked some excellent sessions to attend and I’m so up for the Monday intensives programs. Yeah, yeah, this was sort of random. Must get used to writing in this often. Now off to get Aaron off the top of the fence and down into the action. Sheeze. Always a problem with a twelve year old 🙂


writing funny and more…

“Maybe you can help my cellmate, Mineola Potts. She’s such a nice lady.”
“What’s she in for?”
“Jaywalking.”  …
“Was she really arrested for jaywalking?” Tony asked.
“Indeed she was, poor woman,” Mrs. Carillon replied. “She was very hungry and had nothing to eat, so she borrowed two cans of lobster meat and a tin of caviar from the supermarket. She was jaywalking when the police stopped her.”

Ellen Raskin, The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I mean Noel)

Funny is hard. I read this. I blinked and I started to giggle. then laugh. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t explain it. And, I doubt if I can replicate it. It’s not as funny now as it was when I first read it. It was very awesome feeling. A giggle just bubbling out of you. A giggle you just can’t stop. A giggle that builds into a full-blown laugh.

I think this is dynamite and tough. This laugh-out-loud line came at page sixty-something. Well into the story and I was surprised to find it there. A delightful tidbit for me, the reader. Continue reading

slipping into writing mode…

I don’t know about you, but the ‘find fifteen minutes of writing time’  just doesn’t work for me. I need to sit, and get back to where I’ve been. And, I’ve been frustrated because that sucks up my writing time.

Lately tho, I’ve been thinking it is more. More than getting back. More me becoming. Me. This writer. Becoming him. I AM that character. And, yet, I worry about him when we’re not together. I feel  guilty when I leave him sitting beside a fence. Or, in the middle of a conversation with his brother. But I also know, when I leave him, it’s because I can’t figure out where we’re going next.

I know the common wisdom is to write a character sketch about each in your cast. I can do that for everyone but the MC. And I think I’ve realized why.

Did you ever hear of the ‘game’ BAFA BAFA? Continue reading

book reviews…

A recent book review in the Wall Street Journal has caused a major upheaval in the YA children’s lit world. Meghan Cox Gurdon wrote about the ‘dark’ topics in YA lit. I can’t help but wonder why there is so much defense in play over this article? One well-published, well-respected author suggested on FB that the WSJ’s editorial section should be shut down. Another author calling the article crap.

Well. So much for free speech, I guess.  For respecting the opinion of others. Of thinking that there may be another side to an issue. Or, does that count only if you are on the same side?

I guess what I just don’t get is why do these writers feel the NEED for defense, almost to the point of bullying this one author, this one paper.

Why did so many jump into the fray? Continue reading

shaping a reader…

It’s a common saying…’in order to write, you need to read a thousand books’. Before you can write, you need to read. Everything. It all. Don’t stop. Keep going. Don’t think about it. Just READ!

I read my first thousand starting in the library at Villa Cabrini Academy. Just off the quad where we lined up and marched every morning. It was cool in the morning, typical of Southern California, long before smog and humidity and over-population. The quad would be in the shade, not yet heated by the daily sun. Sousa’s band music would blare from someplace unknown and we’d march in formation and then to our classrooms. Sounds militaristic now, right? All of us in baby blue uniforms, white collars and cuffs, Buster Brown oxford shoes, white socks. It got us ready to sit in desks and listen. It gave us shape as students.

The library was a room, not all that big, with all the walls lined with book shelves clear to the ceiling, Continue reading

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