I preach about critiques. I do. You can find my thoughts and comments on the SCBWI Carolinas conference information pages. In the What Happens in Critique… section I write about preparing, relaxing, listening. In truth, I think critiques can be scary, heartening, frightening, illuminating and mostly cause some amount of distress. After all you are putting out…
Kickstart the Process
I’ve slept in until nine am each morning for no other reason but I can. I am not a late sleeper, I am usually up and about, but I think my mind is processing. There is so much thrown at us at a conference, okay, not thrown, served up in delicious bites and set before…
Why Are We Posting….
….all these vignettes about good things happening between any ethnic, cultural, religious, racial identity group? Yes, we are in a political season–actually we’ve been in this season for a long time, far too long. (If you are a candidate and propose an amendment that says the election process can be no longer than it takes to…
May you live in interesting times…
I was ironing. No, it’s not a huge deal. I actually like to iron. I find it to be very relaxing, especially if I am not doing it to pack and travel. It is a rote sort of activity. I iron in the kitchen. No TV, no radio. Just the task at hand. I can…
This Day in History
The world in many ways was much like now. The geo-political landscape was constantly changing. Then, there was the threat from the USSR because Joseph Stalin died March 5 leaving an obviously struggle inside the Kremlin. Then, it was the Korean Conflict and the multiple events, sometimes called brushfire incidents, the Kremlin and Washington DC acted out…