Yes, well. I guess it is, July that is.  Had a bit of a pickle in getting the conference registration up and running, although I should have been prepared for that possibility. Ho Hum, wasn’t. It did go up. It’s different and people don’t like different. They say they do, but they don’t. Well, it’s up, working, people are signing up, so I guess we’re good.

I’m trying not to let my own writing interfere with my scbwi work, but, lol, it’s not that easy to do. And, there was a study yesterday in the WSJ about if you sit more than three hours a day you are reducing your life span. Seriously? How many people don’t sit for three hours a day. And. Better question: If I start to do this when I’m already in my sixties, how the h$** can you tell it has reduced my lifespan?  Okay, a little over the top there. But just what I need when I’m trying to do BIC [butt in chair] and get this middle grade mystery done.

They say ‘try to stand, for example, when you are on the telephone.’  LOL, it makes Tom’s pacing when he’s on the phone look positively prescient. Although I do know that’s not true, he just didn’t like to wait. Meanwhile, it’s still July. We got through the fourth okay, although it was a touch difficult for Bayley and Dan. They lost power due to the big storm that came across the eastern seaboard. for five days, forcing them to eat the top layer of their wedding cake five months early or lose it. Weather can be so trying 🙂

Okay, so I’ve been writing so much my brain is in a far off land trying to recuperate. Not likely to happen soon, but I’ll let you know. Now. Back to BIC and the mystery.