We are reluctant vacationers.  It’s not that we don’t like to take time off, or that we don’t enjoy going other places, we do. And we have. When the girls were little we would go on vacation to see family, because no family lived close to us. Then we bought a twenty five foot motor home and we went to national parks and campgroups, we drove through the Blue Ridge, we camped at the beach, we went to the top of Cadillac Mountain. We sold the Passport and moved to vacations that needed vacations in order to survive them. After a furious week in Orlando we could have used a weekend in Bermuda. And as the girls aged, so did our vacations as they were planned around the school holiday period, summer jobs and the need to move in and out of dorm rooms and apartments. Now we are no longer constrained by anything outside of us. Tom is retired, the girls are married, no more frantic trips to commerical hotspots, no more Uhauls and boxing weekends and no more school holidays. Actually, sometimes it is hard for me to remember what day of the week it is. So a vacation now is more of a change of view.


Yes we still like to see new things. This trip to Myrtle Beach is perfect. Less than a day away from home, enough time to  drop the puppies off and make it in time to check on at the hotel, and still feel that we are in another place, outside of where we live. The noun, to vacate means to leave, to let go.   So we leave on vacation. We let go of what is at home, any of the worries, the hassels, the grind.  We let go of that by going to anther place. Nice!