Back to the counting thing. Thirty (30) days until Tom is officially home. We’ve practiced. We can do this. The only thing that didn’t get into the mix over Thanksgiving weekend was the WRITING.  Yes, yes, it must be in capital letters, BECAUSE.  It is a big deal. My choice to spend the time differently. We rearranged the furniture. Upgraded the stereo speakers. Pulled out the Christmas stuff.

[Note: Yes, I know I said I’m in Advent mode, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be done with the whole decorating thing and move on. Christmas Cards. Presents both buying and wrapping. Christmas Open House.]

So not only are we thirty, and again that 30, days until Tom is officially home. We are seven (7) days until Bayley’s wedding. The shawl’s done. At the dry cleaners for pressing. I have a dress, well, really an ensemble for the rehearsal dinner and one for the wedding. Purses, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, shoes, scarves.  My shoes have been stretched. Nothing will help, my feet will ache, but I will look good. I am so complete I am beyond ready. If that’s possible. Just saying…