mostly I do, believe in Thanksgiving, if believing means that it is so. And mostly I do thank. I mean, seriously? if I’m going to yell at God when things don’t go well, then I should praise Him when they do go well. Right? I like Thanksgiving; the Norman Rockwell, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, candied yams, pie type of meal. I like that we celebrate with bounty. It shows what being thankful is all about. Going overboard. Pulling out all the stops. No presents. No cards. Just food, family, fun.

As a holiday, it came with the most honorable of intentions. Recognizing for a day, blessings. A day to give thanks for what it is we have. Historically, the interesting thing is that this is a ‘new world’ holiday. And could probably have only happened because of a new beginning, a leaving behind of the old.  One that came about when people fled or were kicked out of a society highly divided by class, with very large obstacles to leap to make the next level, if at all. The whole point was that we could be thankful for being free, individual, making our own way, over a minimum of hurdles. Technically, the populations in Europe were free. But. Not. Society had ossified into levels, canyons, pockets, that pulling yourself out of was nigh impossible.  Now, 200 plus years after fighting for the right to be free and define our own levels I wonder if we have not let ourselves stagnate. At one time ‘to be politic’ meant to be wise, to be sensible. [‘Course, at one time, gay meant to be ‘jaunty, cheerful, carefree.  Sigh.] Anyway…

I am thankful we are free. I am thankful for my lovely husband, my beautiful daughters. For what the next day may bring. I am thankful for the opportunities I’ve had, and the ones yet to come.