say series finale,  and you think of a long running show and then lots of publicity, and the loss of characters who have been in your house for what seems like a lifetime. I sort of felt that way with Eureka! On the SciFi channel. I say sort of because when they did the ‘going back in time’ thing, I felt they cheated.  They upped the love story between Jack and Alison, changed the kids and, well, I guess Stark was already dead by then.

Still, I had hoped for a bit more from the series finale.  The whole deal with the show was there were all these very bright, brilliant people who could almost rescue the universe every day, but they  really needed a *normal* person, in the form of a median IQ  intellect of Jack Carter. And he did it well, he continually, stepped into the breach and saved everyone. I liked the dynamic. And then POOF! It was over, bang, without a bang.

The government was closing down General Dynamics and with it Eureka and everyone whom we had come to know, who had been through so much, well they were going to be gone. So instead, they had the scientist from the 1940s who stayed in our present and apparently made a lot of money, who knew?, buy the town. One episode? Seriously? You think that just ties up everything and we’re good?  No. Not by a long shot!