Teresa Fannin, reader, writer, gardener, chocolate fan & tea drinker

Category: Musing (Page 11 of 31)

Why Are We Posting….

….all these vignettes about good things happening between any ethnic, cultural, religious, racial identity group?

Yes, we are in a political season–actually we’ve been in this season for a long time, far too long. (If you are a candidate and propose an amendment that says the election process can be no longer than it takes to grow a baby, by god, I’m with you ).  So over this long primary season people use their FB page to score points in favor of the party/person/ideology they back. My own personal tally is that the ad hominem attacks come more from the progressives than they do the conservative. But then I tend to be friends with those who are more progressive, so that is what I see–go figure! These ad hominem attacks have the unfortunate effect of stifling conversation and creating a bullying environment. How sad.

I spend far too much time on Facebook. I use it as slosh time–a time wasters because I am not prepared or ready to do what I need to do. I ‘slosh’ about in other peoples highlights of their lives or their thinking. It is more interesting and far more mind numbing than solitaire. Sometimes the postings are just banal and other times illuminating in that it points up one of two things. Either the posting show how people want to be seen to the world outside. Or the postings illustrate how individuals think, what they believe, what they are willing to say or comment on for their belief system.

I’m not good at the 140 character thing. I don’t want to get trapped in another social media program, far too many are out there,  so I use Facebook.  And here’s what I wonder. Why are there all these posting about when good things happen, especially when it is between black and white, muslin or jew? Why? And I must add, I see this more profoundly on the pages of those who espouse a more liberal or progressive ideology. It’s almost like they are saying “See, we can love one another. See, this story right here proves it. It proves we are right.” And I think of Shakespeare and the ‘protesting too much’.

And I wonder if that is some deep guilt [silly me] because the progressive policies of the last sixty years are not working–see Baltimore, Chicago, Fergueson. At the beginning of this year black unemployment was at 8.3%. While white unemployment is 4.5%, Hispanic unemployment is 6.3% and Asian unemployment is 4%. Labor participation rate is the lowest its been in 40 years. Lowest is not a good number in this case.

Right now the argument on the conservative side is that relations between identity groups is the worse it has ever been. The narrative on the progressive side is it’s not as bad as you think if we could just control guns and the police. If there was just a little respect for those minority identity groups we would all be fine.

When I see a person post overly much that a conversation will solve all ills, that there is all this  ‘good news’ and ‘wonderful sparks of humanity’, I wonder if they understand what they are admitting? If things are so great, why? Why do you continually have to single out individual stories? And post these stories, over and over and over. Face it. If you have to keep reminding me, over and over again, that things are great, my bet is no, nope, they are not. So stop posting!


May you live in interesting times…

I was ironing. No, it’s not a huge deal. I actually like to iron. I find it to be very relaxing, especially if I am not doing it to pack and travel. It is a rote sort of activity. I iron in the kitchen. No TV, no radio. Just the task at hand. I can do a great job and still let my mind wander.

Usually this is a time when I think about stories. I am a huge fan of books. But I am a bigger fan of stories. I think it’s because, when I read history, lol, history during my lifetime, I am amazed at the variations of story that are taking place while I was, am, living.

But this particular time ironing I became stuck on the tumult of this year, 2016.  The bombings, the protests, the killings of individuals as well as the ambushes resulting in more deaths. It’s also hard to ignore the words that are strung together, sometimes followed by a hashtag or emojis.  Black lives matter. Yes. Blue lives matter. Also, yes. Our President recently asked us to ‘temper’ our language. Did he consider that in 2009 when he said ‘And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy’?  Or when he, before any trial or facts were available, said, ‘Trayvon could be my son’? Yes, I am picking on the President. He is after all, our commander in chief, the head of our sovereign state, our face to the world. He is my president as much as he is yours, at least, I would like to think that.  He is the most visible. Our comforter in chief. I recognize that it is not him alone. We are caught in a cycle of negative words from pundits, newscasts and political blogs, that are a result of fear, inequalities, uncertainty, of social stress that is beyond bearable.

We have a presumptive candidate, an outsider, who says brass and uncensored statements, who shocked the world, yes, the world, with his rise to the nomination. We have a presumptive candidate, the consummate insider of political machinations, who was no shock at all,  who was described by the director of the FBI as having evidence on a private server ‘that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.’  These individuals want to be the commander in chief, the head of our sovereign state, our face to the world. What have they done to ‘temper’ their language? What have they done to deescalate the fear, uncertainty, social stress?  Do we chose a unknown or a person who has demonstrated inept and ineffective handling of our state secrets?

Did all of this make the time more tumultuous? Or are they a result of the tumultuous times? A chicken and egg argument. Are there solutions? Or, are we stuck in this cycle? I have no idea. But I do think, no, I know, that hashtags and emojis, along with pundits and newscasts and political blogs are not going to get us back to the ‘melting pot’ we once were. The melting pot that allowed us to fight off oppression and totalitarianism abroad. The melting pot that made us the strongest economy in the world. The melting pot, that by it’s very name and composition, said that this is an exceptional country.

Present Time

In the south autumn is in November, maybe even mid November. Not so in the northeast. On the way up to Falling Leaves Retreat in Silver Bay, NY, we saw the world in various stages of preparation for the long winter nap. We traveled on Hwy 81, that runs up the western side of the Blue Ridge into Pennsylvania. We started out in dank and dreary weather, but soon were surrounded by waves of color–yellow, rust, bright red. Then suddenly the trees were sticks, pointing and reaching skyward, some brown, some black, some a dull silver. In those places it was desolation. Evergreens were the only relief. Then strangely back to the colors again as we continued up 81, across the New York Thruway. This is autumn, the time between summer and winter. The only season with two names.

IMG_1312The night before the retreat we stayed in Saratoga Springs. We were pleasantly surprised with a walkable downtown. Arty pieces in unsuspecting places on streets with nice restaurants, interesting niche shopping and bookstores. Leaves danced up and down the sidewalk. We found a lovely Italian restaurant that made limoncello martinis and an amazing eggplant appetizer. We knew adjacent Warrensburg from camping there summers when the girls were little. We were delighted with our venture into Saratoga Springs.

Friday dawned sunny and chill but with the promise of a great drive to Silver Bay and we were not disappointed. Stopping at Duffy’s in Lake George for a Philly Cheesesteak we saw the lake we knewIMG_1321 from years past. From Duffy’s up route 9N winding around Lake George into Hague we arrived at the retreat location. The road to Silver Bay YMCA dipped and turned and ended with a spectacular view of the IMG_1322northern section of Lake George, blue, calm, wide and probably freezing. The YMCA is a historical treasure of over one hundred years. It is simple, plain, basic. No TV…which was a disappointment to Tom… but with acres of walking trails and a porchIMG_1325 wide and inviting. I LOVE porches. The weather was accommodating, warm–for November– we were just 250 miles south of Montreal–clear, fresh from some rain, reminiscent of Ukraine’s Velvet Season. We sat and rocked and just enjoyed the view. 

IMG_1323The weekend was spent at the Watson Art Center. A single room with round tables and the warmth of participants gathered for one purpose–to listen, to discuss, to study, to be better at story telling. And the weekend did not disappoint.

Falling Leaves is an autumnal event. As I listened to the each editor’s presentation I was fascinated by the depth of information. I appreciated the breath of topics. The willingness of these editors to share. Autumn is a time to prepare, be ready. Falling Leaves did just that.

Everything Takes Forever!

It was a check. It was a bit more than what I normally deposit in checks but still. We’ve been dealing with this credit union for the ENTIRE time we have lived in the south–18 years. And yet! Yet! To deposit a check that was more than three figures before the dot I had to call and request they increase the cap by which we may make mobile deposits.

Here’s the forever part. I called the number. A pleasant recorded voice informed me I had at least a two minute wait. I can wait for two minutes. My mother was never on time for anything and as a result I have an ability to wait for more than two minutes verging on the half-hour if there is a deemed and worthy reason. Yes. Lucyle could be chronically late–we rarely used the term tardy, which can seem so transitory and temporary. Lucyle’s lateness was neither, but somehow ‘on time’ was a word that always appeared to be banished from her vocabulary.

So two minutes was okay. EXCEPT, it kept being two minutes. Not good.

There was an option to leave my number and they would return my call. I’ve used this quite successfully in contacting Apple [and with Apple, sigh, it was my fault–so my ‘yikes, you’re using up all my time’ factor was mitigated.] Thinking the best, I left my number. And soon a callback came with that pleasant recorded voice informing me that I next in line. And soon a pleasant live voice asked all the pertinent data to establish myself as me and then informed me I was signing in not as me but as my darling adorable. So. The pleasant live voice needed to talk to him–to verify with him, to successfully change the amount of money we do deposit via the mobile app.

Taking the phone downstairs I quickly told DA what was required. He nodded. As the pleasant live voice asked him questions, he answered, verifying himself as himself. Although, now I wonder if I should invest in a device that could change my voice and I can just become him. I know his information almost better than him. Actually, there are probably some places that wouldn’t recognize his signature. Ha!  Probably a voice adapter would be more than unnecessary.

After about ten minutes, DA says thank you and hangs up the phone. “They’ve upped the limit for one year,” he says.

“One year? What does that mean?” I ask.

DA shrugs. Of course he has no clue and why would he? Pleasant live voice probably didn’t explain. So there you have it. I wanted to deposit a check. Should have taken two seconds [okay, but it should have been quick.] Instead it took almost twenty five minutes between the extending two minutes wait, the call back, the trip downstairs so that DA could talk, the trip back up the stairs, and the actual deposit.



Now there are two….

Now there are two baby grands. Emmeline born in September, and Mia born in December. Almost, well, exactly three months apart.  It was amazing to see them side by side. It was remarkable that my baby daughters had baby daughters.

I gave the expected Grandmommy prayer: Lord, let my girls have children exactly like themselves!

LOL, that may be more a curse than a prayer, but still.  It is remarkable to see how each are talking about, caring for and loving their child. And it is different. I will not speculate which might be better or worse, because who knows?

I remember when I had just delivered Meghan, I was in the recovery room talking to my best friend. “Congratulations,” she said. I laughed. “Congratulate me when she turns twenty one and is a productive, intelligent, giving, loving member of society,” I answered. And I meant it.

Seems very random to say congratulations when it is just the beginning. Congratulations on producing an offspring? Every animal can do that. Congratulations that you made it through the pregnancy and the delivery? Yes, that may be, because even though we are a society that is medically advanced, it doesn’t mean that death does not loom somewhere in the distance. Congratulations that you are now responsible for another life, their education, their socialization, their cultural upbringing, ha! congratulations on just taking on a full-time, life-time job of bringing another life into the world?

Congratulations to the grandparents? LOL, that’s sort of like, “well, you’ve lived long enough to see your progeny.” And, yes for that I am grateful and appreciate the gift, not everyone is able.

These are beautiful children, blank slates in the sense that there is so much they can be taught, that they can learn, that they can do. But not blank truly in that each of them has a personality and we are able to watch in wonder as it emerges, sometimes as early as the first day, and more unfolding like a map toward a great treasure. Because surely these children are treasures, and they are treasured.

So Congratulations Emmeline and Mia, we have high hopes, lots of love and are ready to watch you become.

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