Teresa Fannin, reader, writer, gardener, chocolate fan & tea drinker

Author: teresafannin (Page 22 of 56)

a little writing craft…

Funny little word that, craft. A dictionary might define it as ‘a skill involved in making things by hand.’ Or, ‘to make or construct (something) with care or ingenuity.’ A craftsman is a chooser–– of the raw material, the design of the material, even the final outcome of putting all that material together, what the combined material will be. A craftsman is skilled––’having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well.’

I think about writing that way. Writing is choosing words strung together to become an idea. An idea needs a theme. A theme needs a character. A character needs a place to hang out and a place to go and so a description evolves. An evolving description needs a plot. A plot needs a compelling beginning, middle and end. A character needs a point of view. A point of view becomes a narrative. And then, wow, you have crafted a story!

My raw material is letters, letters put into an order that has meaning becoming a word. A word that is a thing or an action. How I place those nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, how I meld that raw material together is my craft. And while writing on the computer is most effective and efficient, I’ve found that  sitting, loose leaf paper in front of me, pen in hand, joining those letters into words, those words into action is a way to connect my brain and my story. I am constructing. I am choosing. I am making something by hand.

I thought of all of this listening to Jordan Brown give his Seven Rules for Writing Middle Grade Fiction. Why? Because no matter how many rules there are, there are never enough to identify, define, or assume craft. You can have all the check lists in the world, but they will never ‘provide’ craft. It wasn’t a checklist that designed the John Hancock Tower or the Myerson Symphony Center in Dallas, it was the craftsman I.M. Pei. It wasn’t a checklist that developed the process for open heart surgery, it was the craftsman Michael DeBakey. There were no rules, there was only the making or constructing with care or ingenuity. This is craft, yes in differing fields, still craft.

So I sort of translated, instead of saying the Seven Rules for Writing Middle Grade Fiction, perhaps it would be Think of These Seven Things When Writing Middle Grade Fiction. No not nearly as catchy. And if it was written out in long hand, it might just be ‘hit these marks, over and over. Practice them. Understand them. Be true to them. And then maybe, maybe you will have developed your craft enough to design a John Hancock Tower of Middle Grade Fiction, or performed the open heart surgery of Middle Grade Fiction.’

With apologies to Mr. Brown, he did say just that––there are no rules. What he gave us were the ingredients, the raw material beyond the words and the story idea, beyond the characters and the plot, beyond the point of view and the narrative. These are the things that elevate the story from looking like it was material slapped together, to something designed with care and ingenuity.

Seven ingredients. When you think of children’s literature do you think seven too many or too few? But it was his seventh ingredient that echoed Anthony Horowitz–Write Up To Your Readers. Twice in one conference. How could I refuse?


my kind of keynote…


A couple of years back I was advised that reading Alex Rider would be a good thing for my writing. To read like a writer and see an action novel unfold. Because of the source of the recommndation I found the first book, published in 2000, and gobbled it up. To be so cool! Here was a teen James Bond, reluctant, teenage-y, hot, and with a family member in the spy industry. Well, yes, why hadn’t I found these before? I would have killed for a book like this, Geeze, I would have killed for a life like this…apologies to my darling parents and their wonderful upbringing, but damn if I didn’t continually try to make life less sedate.

I had not focused on the conference agenda coming into NYC.I did focus on the two breakout sessions and the intensive [more on those later] and not for a minute on the speakers. So when Anthony, [oh, please can I call you Tony :-)] Horowitz was introduced by Lin Oliver, I sat up straight. I got out my note book [which I don’t do for the inspirational ones] and I was ready.

Mr. Horowitz did not disappoint. In his dapper black suit, skinny tie, and the Brit accent of the upper crust as we have been taught on BBCA, well, perhaps he could have recited the NYC phone book and I would have noted it down, but HE DID NOT.

Yes, he was inspirational. He started writing because maybe that was what he was best at of all the choices. He wanted to be Nero–set the world on fire and in the writing he knew it was a children’s book that would do it. He wrote a lot. He wrote TV shows, screenplays, and children’s books. Then came Alex!  Alex is a reluctant hero who is true to himself. Ah, to be a teenager and be true to your self. That is hard–wicked hard!

Mr. Horowitz asked for gleeful writing. Simple. Fun. And most important-True. And then he remarked that children today only experience real adventure in literature. He’s right! How many parents do let their children out to play from dawn to dusk. There is a cosseting, a cocooning, for their safety, for the parental peace of mind. And yet! What children don’t learn as a result of being tested is huge. According to Mr. Horowitz, there is not enough violence in kids books and children like violence. Life is full of violence and kids know that. That’s part of being true.

If I were in a discussion with Mr. Horowitz I would ask him about video games, and the Marvel Universe and the CGI in movies that take our breath away with their animation and their violence. About all the speculative fiction that is huge in middle grade and young adult. And, I wonder if he might say, ‘but those are not real. And kids know it.’ And he’d be right. Alex Rider is now, present, with some fantastical toys but still, now!

He said that we have a responsibility to treat this writing as an upbeat thing. To that I say, a winning thing; success, extraordinary, yes, even heroic. Write up to children, he said. Not about the ordinary, but to show the POWER OF STORYTELLING. Oh, yes!

Reflections: SCBWI NYC 2015

The NYC conference is a mash-up of greeting friends, meeting new people, get-togethers with regional members and the scheduled events. I always hope there is something I can take from the presentations be they keynotes or breakouts sessions or even intensives. Last year it was Jack Gantos who stayed with me for long after the keynote was given. The organization, the dedication, the determination was so present, not because he told us about all of that, but because he SHOWED US. He had a power point of his notebook, what his desk looked like [at a private library no less–wow] and how he plotted and planned his stories. Now that I liked, process. I can do process.

I admit to not being huge on inspirational speakers. I think just about anyone can be an inspirational speaker if the topic is themselves, talking about how they got to where they were, how much it took, what made them keep on going. And I love those speakers and speeches, they just do little for me.

When we work on our regional conferences our goal is to have solid, practical, relatable notes that can be translated into the writing or art of all participants.

The NYC conference is not based on craft for the most part. It is a series of keynotes surrounding breakout sessions with agents and editors based in New York and what they are interested in. Some, like Jordan Brown gave a craft-based presentation along with submission guidelines. Others may just tell what they want, how they want it and give submission guidelines.

So, stay tuned for takeaway number one—Anthony Horowitz.

Now there are two….

Now there are two baby grands. Emmeline born in September, and Mia born in December. Almost, well, exactly three months apart.  It was amazing to see them side by side. It was remarkable that my baby daughters had baby daughters.

I gave the expected Grandmommy prayer: Lord, let my girls have children exactly like themselves!

LOL, that may be more a curse than a prayer, but still.  It is remarkable to see how each are talking about, caring for and loving their child. And it is different. I will not speculate which might be better or worse, because who knows?

I remember when I had just delivered Meghan, I was in the recovery room talking to my best friend. “Congratulations,” she said. I laughed. “Congratulate me when she turns twenty one and is a productive, intelligent, giving, loving member of society,” I answered. And I meant it.

Seems very random to say congratulations when it is just the beginning. Congratulations on producing an offspring? Every animal can do that. Congratulations that you made it through the pregnancy and the delivery? Yes, that may be, because even though we are a society that is medically advanced, it doesn’t mean that death does not loom somewhere in the distance. Congratulations that you are now responsible for another life, their education, their socialization, their cultural upbringing, ha! congratulations on just taking on a full-time, life-time job of bringing another life into the world?

Congratulations to the grandparents? LOL, that’s sort of like, “well, you’ve lived long enough to see your progeny.” And, yes for that I am grateful and appreciate the gift, not everyone is able.

These are beautiful children, blank slates in the sense that there is so much they can be taught, that they can learn, that they can do. But not blank truly in that each of them has a personality and we are able to watch in wonder as it emerges, sometimes as early as the first day, and more unfolding like a map toward a great treasure. Because surely these children are treasures, and they are treasured.

So Congratulations Emmeline and Mia, we have high hopes, lots of love and are ready to watch you become.

White Collar

Okay, this is a gripe, a complaint, a boo-I think you blew it. Yikes!

To the producers of the television show, White Collar:

How did you possibly think that that was a good ending? I mean. Seriously? Throughout the entire series we saw Neal evolve into a person who appreciated family, who found that there were stable people in his life that he could count on, even when sometimes counting on them failed, and failed badly. But they came back and so did he. They were there for each other.

Neal grew up from the man-child who made the con and left, to the man who stayed and helped do what was right and proper. And yet….sheeze, I was so disappointed.

Yes, the clues were excellent that he was planning a real escape. Yes, the clues were there [cue eyes-widening] that the FBI might not let him off the hook even though there was an iron-clad contract. Yes, the clues were there that Neal was going for something BIG and BEYOND.

Good death scene by the way. Yes, I mean it. And, I appreciate that Keller died, although I think that may have been an extreme, but he was certainly a baddie, and rough justice or not, he did not deserve to go on.

But where you really lost me, and where I may never trust you again, is when Mozzie never seemed concerned about the money he walked away with. Come on! 23 Million! Seriously? Where Mozzie was still in NYC a year later going supposedly through the seven different levels of grief, or is it five?  Where Mozzie stopped by to see baby Neal [schmaltzie by the way!]. Really? Mozzie didn’t have a clue?  You lied to us here. Either Mozzie wasn’t as brilliant as we all have been led to believe and have seen, or you really didn’t think to finish off his character appropriately. Or, you’re getting ready for a Mozzie and the Suit series…No, after this, I won’t watch it.

Oh, and here’s another WOWZER, it took the great FBI agent Peter Burke a year! a whole year! to investigate the key? And how did the stuff get into the storage compartment anyway?

But the worst, the most egregious, the most out-of-character part of it, was that Neal would be happy in Paris with no one he had come to think of as family over the course of the entire series. You left Neal alone, alone at the end of the series, alone again, able to go back to his former man-child life, when he had become oh-so much better.

Signed, a terribly disappointed fan.

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