I’m not a morning person. I’m really not a night person, just ask my kids, who could stay up later than me on any given day. I’m a day person. Give me a good day! A little sun. A little blue sky. A soft breeze. Above 72 degrees and I am great! Otherwise, I’m just good. Well, for decisions, I mean.  In the early morning my brain goes into list-ing mode, choices, counter choices. No time for decision making. This is what needs to be done. Did you ever study PERT Planning? Program Evaluation and Review Technique.  This is one way to figure out you can do laundry and dust at the same time. But you can’t do laundry, dust and change the bed at the same time. I like PERT. It’s a list with attitude. Some items ‘weigh’ more than others. Cool, huh?

So. Early morning I like to get the list together. And figure things out. I have the chance to make choices about my day. By breakfast, the choices are gone. Well, not really. But the opportunity to change choices is now limited by the amount of time that is now left in the day. So. Yes, essentially,  the choices are gone.

That’s how I feel about my writing. By mid day, the choices are gone and I’m just treading water. I have to get here quickly. To The Crypt. It’s the gray wall, the one I face. Like staring at a blank cave wall. The one window is behind me. I can’t tell if it’s day or night. I determined a while back that facing something interesting is, well, too interesting. But with nothing but gray in front of me, well, what’s on my computer is more interesting.

So. Now it’s morning. Early. And time to write.