There’s a lot of chatter on the web about Once Upon A Time. Yes. Yes, it is a favorite of mine, loving the way it strings out the important tidbits like dropping diamonds on a trail into an unknown location. Sort of like Dr. Who. But. See, with Dr. Who there were so many zany and weird bits, if you didn’t follow it right a way, you’d have a chance to go back and see what you missed.

This time they lost me. Okay, okay, they almost lost me with naming Ruby’s boyfriend Peter, I mean, who dreamed that up? But this time they left a huge hole and I’m not sure this particular story can get out of it. Well that’s not true, I’m guessing they will be able to tie the issue of why Regina hates Snow with a neat and tidy bow. But I don’t know how happy I’ll be about it. Because I’m still very very unsure as to why Regina, who knows how manipulative and wicked her own mother can be, seems to feel so strongly that Daniel’s death was solely and completely Snow’s fault. Weird. She’s watched her mother maneuver all the people around her with her will and her magic.  

All along I have suspended my disbelief and accepted the other side of the story, the part that wasn’t in the books. But this part. Wowzer! They’ve made this one tough. We know there is a great deal of time between when Snow’s father dies and Regina becomes king and the time when King Leopold marries Regina, at least five to seven years have passed. The question is, because her mother has magic does Regina? I suppose we are going to see Regina get rid of her mother in some fashion. Does she help her mother take over the kingdom of Wonderland? And that’s why Regina’s father’s heart is with the Queen of Hearts. Oh, and does she rescue her father after she’s made the curse? Or before?

But I am very close to saying So What!