Does any writing count? I means if I am writing email invitations to possible presenters? Or answering a friend about an issue? Or completing a post, like this one?

If I were truthful, which I want to be, the answer would be no. Because I have been a world-class, olympic gold medalist procrastinator for a long time. In the past my procrastination technique has included ironing–amazing yes?–reading, mostly mysteries but anything that I could put in front of me. Procrastination never really included television, but today it includes reading on line anything from social media, yes Facebook since I really don’t see the point in reading tweets one after the other, to online blogs and newsletters.

I tell myself that in the back of my brain I am writing. And sometimes I am, but not usually. What I am doing is putting off what I can’t get to, waiting until something drifts apart and then comes together so that I can ‘see’ the end result. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes hours, sometimes days, but it takes. And that what procrastination does, takes. I should put that as a sign above my desk!