Yesterday. Yesterday was national grammar day. Oops. National Grammar Day. I don’t think it should be a Sunday. It should be in the middle of the week. Always in the middle of the week. Sundays? You know, people don’t really care about grammar anyway, but on Sundays, well, we have so much else to do. Or, not to do, depending on your definition of Sunday.

NGD is brought to us by The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar or SPGG. I’m all for good grammar. Except when I’m not because it doesn’t make the point I want to make.

Founded by  Martha Brockenbrough, author of Things That Make Us [Sic], in 2008, this book is touted as the snarkier American version of Lynn Truss’s Eats Shoots and Leaves.  Truss’s book was a kick and, in the way the book taught simple grammar, memorable. So I’m definitely going to book mark Grammar Girl for future use.

Meanwhile, I’m going to write. And, when I do, I’m going to read it out loud, because that is when I know if it makes sense or not. Grammar or no!