…seven days. Bayley and Dan arrive.  Meghan & Greg, Emma and Amelia arrive. The house will get small. Six Adults. Five dogs. Crowded. Lived in. In many ways we are so neat and tidy. Okay! I’m neat and tidy. Not that Tom’s not, but….I really want to work on my MG mystery. And. I am. But. Well, I am. But I think I’m over-thinking. Which is a strange way to put it, but something we all say. I can’t get there from here, so I’m over thinking the solution. I can’t figure out this problem so I must be over thinking it. Strange how we use words. And what we want them to say. Can it be true that something can be thought too much? I don’t think so. So rather than over thinking, maybe it is pushing the story, probably to a place the story does not want to go.

I believe in story. I think now that is why I so so good at history.  The story of all of us, yet just some of us. The good in us and the bad in us. And, has been said, ‘memory is tyrannical’ so the story can  grow, diminish, change intention, direction, become more and less than what the truth was, or is. And then there is the favorite question of the college cafeteria table, what is truth?

It’s like this whole brouhaha over the greeting for this time of year. If we are not intending for every single person to have the exact same belief system, then a happy positive greeting, regardless of the words, given with a happy smile, and sincerely imparted is about the best greeting you can get. Any time of year! Sometimes, tho, I wonder, what we would be doing if we were not celebrating Christmas! Would we be celebrating Saturnalia, the winter solstice, like the Romans? If we were Celts we would have celebrated Samhaim on November 1. But if you look up how and what peoples celebrate this time of year there is a very common thread. The possibility of rebirth. Of light from the darkness.

And, quite frankly, that may be the best idea for me yet. Rebirth. I was pushing my story instead of letting it find the light. Okay, trundling off to write more. Oh. And. Merry Christmas!