Teresa Fannin, reader, writer, gardener, chocolate fan & tea drinker

Month: October 2022


We didn’t get allowances.  My mom was not a fan. We were offered rewards for jobs well done.  Get an A in spelling–sigh, always a long shot for me. Or help a neighbor.  The point was we had to earn the reward. The rewards were rarely cash. It was more like a trip to the doll show in LA. Or maybe ice cream at CC Browns near Grauman’s Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Now they did ice cream…I remember their peach melba…sigh, I digress…

After college when I earned dollars but lived at home, dad collected $25. per month. He said it was for my room and board. Later I found out he had started a brokerage account for me and was investing it.  Nice dad! Let me take a trip to Europe for 6 months…very nice dad!

Earning was always a part of success.  I earned a high school diploma that let me earn a college degree and had better jobs available to me than if I didn’t have one.

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When our girls were very small, going on their first trick or treat run around the neighborhood we ‘practiced’ in the mudroom.  One would knock on the inside door and say,  ‘trick or treat’.  I’d open the door greeting them. Then we’d try again. We ended the session when Bayley knocked on the door and yelled very clearly, ‘Give me candy’ which was impressive for a three year old.

Practice makes perfect. Or so we think. But does it?

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