What do you want from a vacation? Something you never saw before? Adventure? Peace and Quiet? What? I look for a different view, a place to be that isn’t home. I don’t want it forever, I want it for a bit, just a bit. When I worked in HR, especially when I was in banking, we insisted that employees take at least a week vacation at a time. Makes sense, it was harder to maintain a fraud if you had to leave your post. But regardless of where I worked, it was take the time and come back refreshed and renewed.

IMG_0012Well, let me tell you, you want refreshed and renewed? The Big Island, Hawaii, is one of those places. We can’t find a movie theater. There probably is one, but no, not really close to us. The resort has a DVD kiosk. We rent for free, as members, so Tom and I have watched a couple of movies we didn’t get to at home. The Hobbit and now I know this is only one. Glory be! It’s Tolkien’s smallest book! Well, may Roverdom is but… Anyway, this was The Unexpected Journey, next is the Desolation of Smaug, and the third may be There and Back Again. And, I’ve downloaded the book to my Kindle, just because it may be time to read again. Last night we watched Trouble with the Curve, a good movie, interesting characters, a bit predictable, but good. Tom will get to watch Life with Pi. So, yes there, a different view.

Click on the picture above. There’s a video of the view from our room, again, a different view. So, we’re spending some time at the pool, we’re traveling up and down the coast to small fishing villages, we’ll visit the volcano, the southern most tip of the US and very Hawaiian companies, and we’re just sitting, here, with this amazing view, very different from home, and perfect, for a bit.