What do you think of on a rainy day? Sitting by a fire reading a good book? Napping and taking it easy? For me, if it rains all day it should be either November or February and it should be chilly. That was then…this is now.  Since I’ve lived on the east coast, which, Sigh, is actually longer than i lived on the west, most often rain meant summer and humidity. Weird. For me. Still.

This summer has been the wettest I can ever remember. 6.75 inches in July alone. The backyard is a swamp, the sprinklers have been on for only two weeks this year, so yes, we are saving money, but.  Lol, isn’t there always a but. But it seems like there are more bugs than usual, Tom is spraying every week, putting in those larva cakes to kill anything growing in the pond.

So while many of us joke about building an ark in the garage, we still say, ” but we need it.”  “Come on!” I say. Seriously?  At the beginning of the summer, yes, but now, that swamp in the backyard tells me the water table is filling up, maybe full up. If science was going to be amazing, it would figure out how to move all this water from where it is to where it would be needed. But a rant would digress.

Back to rainy days. They are nice. It is almost like God telling us to take a break, sit for a while, IMG_0128enjoy the sights and sounds of nature at its most uncontrollable. Although, I do believe Missy, who shakes and hides in the closet in her Thunder Shirt, thinks I could stop this, I can’t. And there’s no way for her to understand. I just wish she could relax and enjoy this too.