Now there are two baby grands. Emmeline born in September, and Mia born in December. Almost, well, exactly three months apart.  It was amazing to see them side by side. It was remarkable that my baby daughters had baby daughters.

I gave the expected Grandmommy prayer: Lord, let my girls have children exactly like themselves!

LOL, that may be more a curse than a prayer, but still.  It is remarkable to see how each are talking about, caring for and loving their child. And it is different. I will not speculate which might be better or worse, because who knows?

I remember when I had just delivered Meghan, I was in the recovery room talking to my best friend. “Congratulations,” she said. I laughed. “Congratulate me when she turns twenty one and is a productive, intelligent, giving, loving member of society,” I answered. And I meant it.

Seems very random to say congratulations when it is just the beginning. Congratulations on producing an offspring? Every animal can do that. Congratulations that you made it through the pregnancy and the delivery? Yes, that may be, because even though we are a society that is medically advanced, it doesn’t mean that death does not loom somewhere in the distance. Congratulations that you are now responsible for another life, their education, their socialization, their cultural upbringing, ha! congratulations on just taking on a full-time, life-time job of bringing another life into the world?

Congratulations to the grandparents? LOL, that’s sort of like, “well, you’ve lived long enough to see your progeny.” And, yes for that I am grateful and appreciate the gift, not everyone is able.

These are beautiful children, blank slates in the sense that there is so much they can be taught, that they can learn, that they can do. But not blank truly in that each of them has a personality and we are able to watch in wonder as it emerges, sometimes as early as the first day, and more unfolding like a map toward a great treasure. Because surely these children are treasures, and they are treasured.

So Congratulations Emmeline and Mia, we have high hopes, lots of love and are ready to watch you become.