It was a check. It was a bit more than what I normally deposit in checks but still. We’ve been dealing with this credit union for the ENTIRE time we have lived in the south–18 years. And yet! Yet! To deposit a check that was more than three figures before the dot I had to call and request they increase the cap by which we may make mobile deposits.

Here’s the forever part. I called the number. A pleasant recorded voice informed me I had at least a two minute wait. I can wait for two minutes. My mother was never on time for anything and as a result I have an ability to wait for more than two minutes verging on the half-hour if there is a deemed and worthy reason. Yes. Lucyle could be chronically late–we rarely used the term tardy, which can seem so transitory and temporary. Lucyle’s lateness was neither, but somehow ‘on time’ was a word that always appeared to be banished from her vocabulary.

So two minutes was okay. EXCEPT, it kept being two minutes. Not good.

There was an option to leave my number and they would return my call. I’ve used this quite successfully in contacting Apple [and with Apple, sigh, it was my fault–so my ‘yikes, you’re using up all my time’ factor was mitigated.] Thinking the best, I left my number. And soon a callback came with that pleasant recorded voice informing me that I next in line. And soon a pleasant live voice asked all the pertinent data to establish myself as me and then informed me I was signing in not as me but as my darling adorable. So. The pleasant live voice needed to talk to him–to verify with him, to successfully change the amount of money we do deposit via the mobile app.

Taking the phone downstairs I quickly told DA what was required. He nodded. As the pleasant live voice asked him questions, he answered, verifying himself as himself. Although, now I wonder if I should invest in a device that could change my voice and I can just become him. I know his information almost better than him. Actually, there are probably some places that wouldn’t recognize his signature. Ha!  Probably a voice adapter would be more than unnecessary.

After about ten minutes, DA says thank you and hangs up the phone. “They’ve upped the limit for one year,” he says.

“One year? What does that mean?” I ask.

DA shrugs. Of course he has no clue and why would he? Pleasant live voice probably didn’t explain. So there you have it. I wanted to deposit a check. Should have taken two seconds [okay, but it should have been quick.] Instead it took almost twenty five minutes between the extending two minutes wait, the call back, the trip downstairs so that DA could talk, the trip back up the stairs, and the actual deposit.